Welcome to Queen Bee, a feminine guide to fashion, life, travel, and everything in between. I started this style blog as an excuse to showcase my favorite places, outfits, and experiences. I absolutely love taking photos of my outfits and adventures, and finally having a place to document and share them all was the perfect solution.
I would describe my style as an eclectic mix of whatever makes me feel happy. Personal style is always something I’ve struggled to embrace. I constantly felt the need to fit in with what everyone else was wearing instead of wearing the pieces I actually liked. I know that my personal style is not always the most popular or trendy, but I am a firm believe that style is an expression of who you are, not who someone wants you to be.
“style is an expression of who you are, not who someone wants you to be.”
As we all know, clothes are expensive, and full disclosure, a lot of my pieces have come from the clearance rack of my favorite brands or consignment shops. I will do my best to share where to get them, or where to find a similar, affordable piece. I am a firm believer that you do not need a special occasion or a large budget to be a Queen Bee.